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There are some of the questions we get asked often about the MBA admissions consulting services we provide and our engagement methods.
How will we collaborate?At the start of each module or school specific essay set, our team will and guide you through relevant parts of the AB knowledge base that will help you in the process. In one on one sessions, where we ideate and structure content or reivew work done. We rely on our collaboration drive ( google drive), to exchange documents drafts. Some clients find it easier to send documents back and forth via email.
What is in the Knowledge Portal ?Our knowledge portal houses our guidnace, tutorials, samples and curated content from the public domain as well as proprietary content developed by Admit Beacon and its former clinets that will help you understand schools, their resource and culture effectively and efficiently.
Can packages be split acorss rounds ?Yes! You can buy the apply packages acorss rounds within the same application year. However, pacakges do not roll-over and therefore cannot be split across application years.
Can I add more schools to packages later?Yes.We believe in giving clients the flexibility to extend thier engagement with us once they feel our investment in them. You can add additional hours, additional schools or any other service at said rates.
Can I buy hourly services to extend my package ?Yes. You may extend your package engagement by buying hours at pre-set rates to apply to any additional schools.
If I cannot use my package, can I receive a refund or roll-over the package?"We do not refund or roll-over packages once service has commenced. In case of extenuating circumstances, we are happy to discuss and make exceptions.
Will you write Letters of Recommendation for me , if my referee is too busy?"We will provide comments on draft letters of recommendations and share suggestions for improvement. We will not draft or write any part of the letter of recommendation you submit as part of your application to schools because it violates our and business schools’ code of ethics.
How many iterations or reviews of each component do you provide?There is no limit on the number of iterations, but we normally find that 3-5 iterations is sufficient. The prep work we do with you before you start writing, and the feedback we give you on each draft, are all designed to help you write effectively and enable you to make strong progress with each iteration.
How will we manage timelines?We understand that applying along with a 'full-time day job' is a big ask. During the onboading discussion, we will work with you to create a plan that work for you. We also use Trello extensively to streamline our process, manage schedules , help you stay on top of all moving parts and fiercely hold our end of the bargain. If you continuously miss deliverables , we would miss out on perfection.
How will we collaborate ?You can utilize hours purchased in blocks of 1 hour, 30 minutes or 15 mintues. All our one-on-one conversations will be delivered via video conversations and recorded for your reference so you do not need to take notes. Booking and meeting scheuduling will be done through our dedicated calendly pages of our consultants.
What services can I avail under hourly packages ?You can use hourly packages to create application for any number of schools. Under hourly packages you can brainstorm ideas, sharpen story telling, get specific feedback on essays, resume, recommendation drafts, practice for interviews on discuss any component of applications to any school.
How will hours be tracked?We believe in full transparecy and rely on Zoho to track the hours of engagement . You will have access to the our biling portal and to view hours consumed, credit left in your account.
Can hourly packages be split acorss rounds ?Yes! You can buy in advance and apply purchased hours acorss rounds within the same application season. However, hourly pacakges do not roll-over and therefore cannot be split across application years.
Can I buy more hours at a later date?Yes. You may extend your engagement by buying hours at pre-set rates. Extenstions are subject to counsellor's availability.
Can I use hours for editing ?Yes you can use hours to get our expert editing services. Depending on the length of the essay you can use hours for editing. We wil provide you an estimate of editing effort (in minutes) based on the length of the essay.
What is your work style ?We believe in helping you find your story and your voice. Therefore, a large part of our time when developing essays and other deliverables will be devoted to choosing the right stories to tell , debating ways in which they can be told better and developing strong argumets structures to tell them in. Our edits will kick in in the final leg.
How much time will a single application take?This depends on a number of factors - how early you start, how well you know your schools, and how comfortable you are with writing. We refrain from providing absolute answers on the matter becuase every one has a unique pace and working style.
What is the typical turn around time ?The turn around time is 48 hours and may rise to 72 hours in September but no more.
How will project-manage the engagement ?We believe in co-ownership and while we will actively project manage the engagement with you, the steering wheel will be in your hand :). Rome wasn't built in a week and neither can MBA applications and hence we strong discourage and sometime even refuse last mintue work requests.
What communication modes and tools would we use?We use Google/ Zoom video conversations for our one-on-one sessions and Calendly to scheudle time. Our feedback and brainstorming sessions will be recorded for your future reference so that you can more devote time to brainstorming than to note taking
What are your typical work hours?Monday to Friday (10:00 AM to 7:00 PM Indian Standard Time) and Saturday (10:00 AM to 2:00 PM Indian Standard Time). During the thick of the application season - August 15 to October 15, we work Sunday (10:00 AM to 2:00 PM Indian Standard Time) to support our aspirants.
How many clients do you work with in a year ?We pride ourselves in our the comprehensiveness of our methods, strive to get to know each aspirant in-depth, and build strong relationships. Therefore we prefer to work a small number of clients and make a high impact.
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